Policies and procedures

The Club has a solid foundation of policies and operating procedures developed over many years; these have been continually built upon providing the infrastructure for sustainability and development.

The Club Board is particularly aware of their responsibilities for Health and Safety, especially for children. Our staff and volunteers all have disclosures under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme. The Club’s Child Protection Officer responsibility is to ensure all volunteers have a disclosure number under the PVG Scheme; this is rigorously managed and monitored by the governing body. As a further safeguard all volunteers are now required to complete the Scottish FA Child Welfare e-module prior to being give approval to undertake club activities.

We have a number of Policies and Procedures in place for our Lowland League side. Please use the + signs below to expand the headed sections and view the content.

Our community club, as a proud Quality Mark Legacy club, also has a further set of Policies & Procedures, not specific to our Lowland League side. These can be viewed on our sister Community Club site.

Cumbernauld Colts Football Club (“the Club”) acknowledges the continued and valued support that individuals, businesses and groups bring to the Club. In acknowledgment of this we will endeavour to work in a way that ensures that all possible actions by the Club reflect this.

The Club recognise the commitment we owe to our supporters and customers and the adjacent policies lay out the Club’s continuing commitment to not only supporters but also to the wider community. The club holds a special position within the local community and has a responsibility to initiate and promote community based schemes, and to enhance the image and reputation of the club in the community in which it serves.

This charter is designed to improve standards of customer relations between the Club and its supporters and customers.

The Club recognises the special relationship between the club and its supporters. It recognises and respects the invaluable contribution the supporters have made in the past and continue to make to the life of the Club. As such, the club will make every effort to ensure that its policies and practices are open, accessible and communicated as effectively as possible with its supporters.

The Club will annually conduct a review of this charter, will make changes in accordance with the recommendations received from the relevant governing bodies and also after consultation with its supporters. The club reserves the right to make amendments at short notice to this policy – but all changes will be communicated to supporters through the Club website.

The club continues to strive for wider access to matches by offering:

  • Concessions are available for persons over 60 years of age and for junior supporters under 16 years of age.
    Children under 12 are admitted free of charge as long as they are accompanied by an adult. (The Club may request proof of eligibility)
  • Support for disabled supporters and their carers – any disabled person and their carer/helper (1 person) will be admitted free of charge and will be accommodated in relation to their required seating.
  • Free or reduced admission to replays of abandoned games; If a match is abandoned after spectators are admitted to the ground but before kick off or half time, ticket holders are entitled to free admission to the re-arranged match.


If a match is abandoned after kick off in the second half, supporters may be entitled to reduced admission charges for the re-arranged match subject to discussion/agreement between participating teams. The Club will wherever possible set admission prices for League games in line with the minimum price enforced by the SLFL, the Club will not charge supporters over or above this rate. The Club however reserves the right to review admission charges and amend at short notice if necessary, if this happens supporters will be kept fully advised via the Clubs website.

The visiting supporter’s admission prices will mirror that charged to our own supporters this includes concessionary prices levied to senior citizens and junior supporters.


The Club will endeavour to provide a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all spectators and shall ensure that the quality of service provided is of the highest possible standard.

The Club will endeavour to make available hot and cold snacks for all home games at reasonable prices.

The Club will provide corporate hospitality which can be designed to meet individual requirements.

The Club seeks to provide the best possible service and will treat all supporters and customers with respect and courtesy as reflected in the Clubs policies, i.e. supporter’s charter, anti-discrimination and disability charters.

In return, the club expects spectators to refrain from using foul and abusive language, taunts or gestures of a racist or obscene nature and to inform members of the security staff regarding anyone engaging in such activity.

For security and safety reasons, under the terms of our Ground Regulations, standing is forbidden in seated viewing areas, whilst the match is under way. The club is obliged to advise any spectators in breach of this requirement to desist and failure to comply with this request may result in the person, or persons, being removed from the ground.

The Club is committed to ensuring that its disabled supporters and customers have as full access as is reasonably possible to all goods, services and facilities provided or offered to the public by the Club.

The Club will operate a concessionary ticketing policy for disabled supporters and will ensure that the scheme does not discriminate between disabled people with differing impairments.

Any disabled supporter and their carer/helper i.e. 1 person will be admitted free of charge and will be accommodated in relation to their required seating.

Broadwood Stadium facilities are fully accessible to disabled customers; a lift is available to the stadium function suite. The concourse area has two unisex disabled toilet facilities which are clearly sign posted and are regularly checked by stewards.

To assist supporters enjoy their visit to Broadwood Stadium please note below:

  • The Stadium benefits from substantial on site car parking which includes numerous dedicated disability spaces.
  • Disabled supporters who are able to do so are welcome to use the turnstile access.
  • Disabled supporters who are unable to access via the turnstiles will gain admission to the Stadium via the Disabled Entrance located to the right of the main entrance where they will be escorted by a steward or club official to the allotted seating area.

Should any supporter/visitor to the stadium wish to discuss the above or any related issue the clubs Disability Access Officer can be contacted as detailed below:

Stewart McKenzie
Disability Access Officer
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07798 646110

The Club has a complaints procedure in place and guarantees to its disabled supporters and customers that any complaints of discrimination will be dealt with quickly under that procedure, complaints should be sent to the clubs secretary who is nominated individual for the implementation and annual review of this policy.

The Club has advised its staff that any incident of discrimination under the provisions of the Act is a serious matter and will be dealt with under the Club’s Disciplinary Procedures.

The Club Secretary
Cumbernauld Colts FC
Broadwood Stadium
1 Ardgoil Drive, Cumbernauld, G68 9NE

Ref: Equality Act 2010

The club will respond promptly to any contact from customers. To avoid confusion and delay, any complaints should be made in writing as this will ensure that a thorough investigation, together with a documented record, is established. Verbal complaints (by telephone or in person) will be responded to courteously, but confirmation in writing of the complaint will be requested for the reasons stated above.

Any complaints should be made in writing to:

Cumbernauld Colts Football Club, Broadwood Stadium, 1 Ardgoil Drive, Cumbernauld, G68 9NE.

The club will respond to complaints as quickly as possible. If it is not possible to resolve the matter immediately, an acknowledgement of the letter of complaint will normally be sent within three working days of receipt. Depending upon the nature of the complaint, or the complexity involved, the club will endeavour to forward a full response within 12 days of receipt including details of the proposed resolution.

The club will maintain a record of all written complaints received and use the information provided by this record as part of our continuous improvement of our services.

The club will make every effort to undertake all of the policies included in this charter, however it will be appreciated that changing circumstances throughout the year may require certain amendments to be made. Any such amendments will be made in consultation with the bodies detailed above.

Communication and Consultation

The Club will communicate regularly with supporters and customers informing them of new developments, policies, fixtures and price changes, promotions etc. This will be done in the main through the Club’s official website.

The Club will maintain its official website and stadium notice boards with the latest information regarding match fixtures, cancellations, match reports and all other related info.

The Club will consult with customers and supporters on a regular basis through the official website. The Club will give due consideration to all feedback, comments and suggestions implementing change where appropriate and provide feedback to the best of our ability.

The club continues to develop ways to consult with shareholders, sponsors, the media, local authorities, community groups and other interested parties.

Unnaceptable Conduct

The Club will not tolerate unacceptable conduct at Broadwood Stadium or at any other Stadium. Unacceptable conduct is conduct which is violent or disorderly.

Violent conduct includes any actual, attempted or threatened physical violence against any person, or intentional damage to property.

Disorderly Conduct means:

(i) Conduct which stirs up or sustains, or is likely or designed to stir up or sustain, hatred or ill will against or towards a group or persons based on their membership or presumed membership of a group defined by reference to a Category or against an individual who is or is presumed to be of the following categories:

  • Gender, colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin
  • Membership or presumed membership, of a religious group or of a social or cultural group with perceived religious affiliation
  • Sexual orientation
  • Transgender identity
  • Disability

by the person or persons engaged in the Conduct to be a member of such group.

(ii) Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or conduct

(iii) Displaying any writing or other thing which is threatening, abusive or insulting, or

(iv) Using words or conduct or displaying wiring or other thing which indicates support for, or affiliation to, or celebration of, or opposition to an organisation or group proscribed in terms of the Terrorism Act 2000, and any successive or replacement legislation thereto:


Any Person committing Disorderly conduct and/or any person who assists another or others to commit Disorderly conduct, may be subject to any, or a combination of the following:

  • Refusal of entry to the stadium
  • Removal from the stadium
  • Suspension from attending matches of Cumbernauld Colts FC
  • Indefinite ban from attending matches of Cumbernauld Colts FC
  • Be the subject of a report to Police Scotland and/or any prosecuting authorities which may result in possible criminal proceedings

Those entering Broadwood are deemed to have agreed to be subject to search procedures, any flag(s), banner(s) and the like which may contain offensive or otherwise unacceptable material, and/or flares, fireworks, devices capable of emitting smoke or any other object which may cause or be part of any incident of misbehaviour and/or Unacceptable Conduct may be confiscated during such a search.

All Club employees/officials have a responsibility to make it clear that such behaviour by anyone connected with the Club is completely unacceptable.

All reported incidents will be fully investigated by the Club with a written report being produced for the attention of the Clubs Committee who considers any required intervention to ensure all practical steps are taken to ensure such incidents are not repeated.

Ref: Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012

All club employees and members of staff will conduct themselves in a courteous and responsive manner in all dealings with our customers.

It is the policy of the club that there should be equal opportunity for all. This applies to external recruitment, internal appointment, terms of employment, conditions of service and opportunities for training and promotion regardless of gender, marital status, creed or religion, colour, race, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnic or national origin.

The club is committed to the development and promotion of such equality of opportunity. The policy also applies equally to the treatment of our customers, clients and suppliers.

The club has an anti discrimination policy that lays out its commitment to eliminate all discriminatory behaviour, together with an anti racism policy which is designed to provide clarity to employees, stakeholders, supporters and everyone connected with the club on the club’s attitude to racial harassment and abuse.

These policies, procedures and safeguards introduce a rights-based process of ensuring children and young people are safe when they play football. This begins with understanding and promoting their rights, raising awareness of children’s wellbeing and recognising what needs to be done and the requirement to act on this when a child needs help or support.

Ultimately this will contribute to better and safer experiences for children playing football within the Football Club. Regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnicity, location or their ambition to play, the goal is to ensure the consistency of a positive experience for every child. In addition to this document our volunteers will complete the Coach Education online workshop – Children’s Wellbeing in Scottish Football.

Our policies, procedures and safeguards meet the standards of the International Safeguards for Children in Sport and also comply with sportscotland’s Minimum Operating Requirements for Safeguarding Children in Scottish Sport and in guidance with the SFA.

View the policy in full.

CWP Roles & Responsibilities Organogram

Ryan Gorman | Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer
Tel: 07593 260398
Email: [email protected]
c/o Cumbernauld Colts FC
Broadwood Stadium
1 Ardgoil Drive
G68 9NE

Cumbernauld Colts FC endorses the principle of Equality and is committed to ensure that everyone who wishes to be involved with Cumbernauld Colts FC, regardless of their role, current or potential:

  • Have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate to the full extent of their own ambitions and abilities, regardless of their age, sex, gender identity, disability, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, race, socioeconomic status or sexual orientation; and
  • Can be assured of an environment in which their rights and dignity and individual worth are respected and valued, and in particular that they are able to be involved and participate without the threat of discrimination, intimidation, victimisation, bullying, harassment or abuse.

View this policy in full

The following document summarises the regulations in place affecting anybody attending Broadwood Stadium.

Ground Regulations Policy